Spot o’clock:
A clock you can read without glasses or contacts!
Do you have trouble reading your nightstand clock? Then you understand a digital clock is unreadable without vision correction.
If you’re looking for a better solution for telling time any time of day or night, Spot o’clock is for you!
Spot o’clock is the only clock designed to be read out of focus for individuals who suffer from poor vision.
Yes, now you can tell time without wearing glasses or contacts!
The Spot o’clock design really works:
Numbers are actually not required.
The high-contrast spots are easy to see on the nightstand or from across the room.
It’s a new spin on telling time for those who have trouble seeing digital or traditional analog clocks.
Or, for anyone looking for a new 21st century way of telling time.
Click the image below to learn more.
Spot o’clock is an all new patented method of telling the time. Take off your glasses or contacts and still know what time it is! Designed to be read out of focus, you’ll appreciate Spot o’clock.